Server has been updated properly. We finally got everything we needed to done. We have a new permissions plugin that willallow us a bit better control of things (and updates more often) and a new chat channel plugin (HeroChat) for all of youto use as you wish. Ill be posting more info on that in the forum sometime in the next day or so.

We believe we tested all the default group abilities, but it is still possible we missed some. Let us know if there issomething you cant do that you had before. Before you complain, no Athos isnt open. Jaaacqs has requested we wait untilFriday to open it fully, so youll have to wait another day. In the meantime, Ill be updating the travelers log with therestored structures data. There is only 1 structure left to unlock (and 1 I have yet to activate). You can find the log here.

As for other news, continue to keep on eye on SOPA. It is still very relevant and still very important. The 18th is thenational blackout date for many major internet sites in protest of SOPA. Awareness is key. Lets see how many peopleget a hint when they cant get to google or any other major site.